Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Few More Things I have Learned…

1. Sapos, the word for toad, also means creepy men who watch you while you use the restroom. I learned this when a security guard offered to watch for sapos while I used the ladies room and I freaked out thinking there were toads in the toilet.
2. Don't eat the popsicles in the poor section of town. They are most definitely made from untreated water and will give you a stomachache.
3. Wash anything and everything that has been sitting on the counter overnight. The rats most certainly have scurried across it.
4. Don't zone out too much while running or walking in the campo, a dead cow or a dying goat may be waiting by the side of the road to scare the shit out of you.
5. Make a point to ask for and remember names. Usually upon first meeting someone, they will be so curious why a "gringa" is there that they will forget to introduce themselves before launching into questioning. This provides for awkward second meetings when you are expected to know who they are.

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